Powering a Nation

A Project of the UNC School of Media and Journalism

IN THE AIR: Wyoming to Chicago

The connection between Wyoming’s coal mines and Chicago’s citizens is stronger than you’d expect. Coal from Wyoming powers a Chicago plant that pollutes the neighborhood around it. While the company that owns Fisk makes a profit from this coal, the air pollution damages the health of people nearby.


Animation and design by Hadley Gustafson
Script by Jeff Mittelstadt and Mimi Schiffman
Research by Jeff Mittelstadt
Narration by Catherine Orr
Script editing by Catherine Spangler


Midwest Generation, LLC
Abt Associates, Inc. for the Clean Air Task Force. Technical Support Document for the Powerplant Impact Estimator Software Tool. July, 2010.
Clean Air Task Force
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Midwest Generation (PDF)
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (PDF)
Union Pacific Corporation

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